Crystal Reiki

Crystal healing is a time-honored tradition that is believed to have been used for thousands of years by many ancient cultures.   Crystals, light, and color have been used by ancient and modern Sages to restore the mind, body and spirit.  Crystal energy now serves as the foundation for advanced technology.

Sacred texts from around the world often refer to the healing powers of precious stones.  In the Bible, we see notes of gemstones adorning the breastplates of high priests and in ancient Sanskrit, many references exist to quartz as the gemstone to remove fears.

Following these ancient traditions, many healers, mystics, artists and even scientists have been employing the power of crystals to enhance the well being of humanity.

Crystal Reiki utilizes the frequencies that reside within the earth as crystals and amplifies this energy through the power of Reiki.

Health Benefits

Crystal therapy helps to soothe the spirit, realign the chakras and support physical healing.   When these beautiful gemstones are combined with the gentle healing power of Reiki, specific conditions may be targeted and addressed.  Crystals are thought to add an extra element of healing to treatment by helping to release emotional, mental or spiritual blocks.  

During a Reiki session, many clients report a reduction in pain, anxiety, and fatigue.  In a 2018 study, comparing the use of Reiki to Physiotherapy for relieving lower back pain in people with herniated disks, both treatments were found to be equally effective in relieving pain, but Reiki was more cost-effective and, in some cases, resulted in faster treatment. 

Combining crystals with the gentle healing power of Reiki can help to:

  • Relieve pain, anxiety, and fatigue
  • Boost mood, increase self-confidence and assist with feelings of depression
  • Enhance the quality of life through an improvement in relaxation and sleep patterns
  • Reduce muscle tension associated with headaches and joint pain

What to Expect

During a Crystal Reiki session, your practitioner may place crystals around your body or you may be asked to hold a crystal.  A typical session will last between 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the appointment booked and if other modalities are also applied.  Clients are always fully clothed and may be either seated or lying on a massage table.  Candles, incense, essential oils and relaxing music generally accompanies any treatment.  

Reiki treatments will include your practitioner lightly placing their hands on or above your body in various positions.  It is best to wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing.  You may be asked to remove your jewelry, glasses and shoes before your session.

During a session, you may feel sensations in your body, such as heat, cold or tingling.  Some people may experience recalling of memories or visualizations.  It is quite common to fall into a gentle Reiki sleep as the treatment is so calming and relaxing to experience.

After your session, drink plenty of water. Some people feel calm, peaceful, or energized while others may feel tired and the need to sleep, rest and restore.  

Each individual’s experience is unique.  Reiki and Crystal energy is always working for your highest good.

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